Allow me to keep this post brief and to the point. I recently completed construction on a spec home with the intention of putting it up for sale. I dedicated significant effort to perfecting this home, boasting 5000 square feet, 5 bedrooms, and 4 bathrooms on a spacious third of an acre lot offering stunning views of the lake, valley, and surrounding mountains. Equipped with luxurious features such as a 60" fridge, a butler's pantry, and a fireplace with a precast stone mantel, the main floor included a master suite with picturesque views right from the bed. In my opinion, it was a truly exquisite property that seemed destined to sell quickly, but unfortunately, that was not the case.
So what was so wrong? It sounded wonderful, right? Well... the truth is, even though the home was beautiful, it missed the mark because we didn't finish the landscape. I think I created the ultimate real estate faux pas! If you are building a home to sell or to live in, there is no reason to not finish the landscape. This is the number one thing that brings "Curb appeal". It took us 18 months to sell this home, all the while there were other builders selling left and right, but they offered the landscape package. I couldn't install it because in your feasibility estimate to the bank, we didn't include the landscape.
Let's keep it brief. Include the landscape. We've learned our lesson...we will now provide landscape to all.